
Your Instagram Account Has Been Hacked: Here’s What to Do

If your Instagram account has been acting weird, and you’re worried about it getting hacked, don’t be afraid. There are steps you can take to find out what is happening and ways to secure it if you’re in danger.

Read on as we explore more about this topic, and how you can make sure you keep your account safe and free of hackers.

Signs Your Instagram Account Got Hacked

According to Instagram, there were two billion monthly active users worldwide as of early 2024. It’s good competition for YouTube, for example, but it’s starting to rival Facebook as well.

This means that hackers can target some accounts more than usual.

But before jumping to conclusions and closing your account, let’s look at the most common signs of your account being tampered with.

1.   Unusual activity

It can be difficult to tell at first sight if you constantly notice likes or comments you haven’t made; it’s a sign that someone is accessing your account and doing things in your name.

2.   Login alerts

Usually, you get informed when someone logs into your account from a different device. It’s a warning sign and an indication that you should take action if you get one of these notifications and you haven’t done anything unusual.

3. Password issues

It’s possible that someone changed your password if you find yourself unexpectedly unable to access your account.

 When this comes paired with an email notifying you about this change, take it seriously. We’ll discuss what to do in detail later on.

4. Changed account information

Check your profile details to see if anything has changed, like your email address, your phone number, and even other account information. If something has been modified without you doing it, someone is targeting your account.

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What to do?

Research shows that Instagram accounts are the most targeted social media accounts by hackers (accounting for 27% of social media hacks).

 Here’s what to do in such a situation:

  • Change your password: Before you do anything further, make sure you change the password as soon as possible if you can still access your account. Make sure it’s entirely distinct from the previous one you had, and don’t use the same one for further accounts.
  • Or reset your password: if you’re kicked out of the account, reset it by using Instagram’s feature of “forgot password.” There will be instructions sent to your email address, and you can regain access from there.
  • Don’t allow any suspicious apps: third-party apps are oftentimes responsible for data leaks that allow hackers to enter accounts unauthorizedly. Revoke the access these apps have immediately.
  • Enable two-factor authentication: doing so might save you from many hacking attempts. Set up a verification code so that people logging in from a new device have to get authorized manually by you. It’s a simple measure that prevents a significant number of attacks.
  • Check email and phone number: go to your account’s settings and review the email and phone number you have your account under. If anything is incorrect here, correct it immediately and secure your account.

How To Prevent Future Hacks

Although there are a lot of security measures you can take advantage of when it comes to security, there are some best practices you should follow if you want to prevent attacks and not only deal with the consequences.

These are some of those:

1. Use a strong password

Mix letters, numbers, and special characters. Try a passphrase and a password manager if you feel like you’ll forget it soon. Never use personal or guessable information for your passwords, like your birthday or your pet’s name.

2. Avoid phishing scams

Avoid answering questions about your login credentials that appear in emails. Instagram will never email you to request your password; in this case, reporting the account and being careful not to click on any dubious links are the recommended courses of action.

3. Regularly update your password

Keep your passwords up to date and avoid using the same one for several accounts. You may lower your chance of hacking by using a password manager, as we previously discussed.

5. Use a VPN

If you’re serious about security, and not only for your Instagram account but for your internet connection, a VPN can work great. It will conceal your internet connection and practically prevent hackers from accessing it. Your internet activities can be further secured by using a VPN, such as the one available on Surfshark’s website, particularly while using public Wi-Fi.

Final thoughts

Although learning that your account has been compromised might be upsetting, you can quickly regain control and safeguard your account by following these instructions. Be aware of your online integrity and keep an eye out for any warning signs.


A Tech enthusiast and avid gamer who loves to share insights on the latest trends and innovations in technology, gaming, and social media. I enjoy exploring new gadgets, apps, and platforms, and writing about my experiences and opinions.

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